I am


I Build Things With Code.

I'm a Kathmandu based self-taught fullstack web developer who enjoys building websites, writing scripts and building something cool with code.

Get In Touch
1 import datetime
2 class Human:
3   def __init__(self, name, age, love):
4     self.name = "Ruzan Tandukar"
5     self.age = datetime.datetime.today( ).year-2002
6     self.love = "Pink Floyd" 

01. About Me

Hello, I'm Ruzan Tandukar a fullstack web-developer based in Kathmandu, Nepal.

I love building things with code. I like to design and develop dynamic sites and also write scripts and automations. I am focusing on programming and building sites with Django as my tool. I also write scripts in Python and try to make something useful.

I love to code.

ruzan tandukar

02. My Skills









03. My Builds

04. Other Builds

Ristam Collection

An Clothing Ecommerce site for buying clothes as per categories with search, add to cart, checkout feature and admin panel. Full Responsive and Fast.

  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • JS

Organization Site

Organization site that I made for Nepali Samaj Tasmania with Blog, Notice, Membership, Members features. Full Responsive and Secure Site

  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • JS

Instagram Image Scraper

This is a console based program to download images of an Instagram user. You can login and download images of users with private accounts.

  • Web Scraping
  • Python


A social website where people can register, login and share restaurants and menus they like and would like others to try. Users can follow each others, like posts and save posts for later.

  • Django
  • Bootstrap

Python File Automation

A GUI based program to easily manage your directory. Creates folder for each different file extention and moves all file to respective directory.

  • Python

Anime Downloader

A console based program to download all your favourite animes in bulk.

  • Python, Web Scraping

05. Get In Touch

I am always looking for new experiences to learn. If you have any projects to build I may be able to help, feel free to message me.

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