I am


I Build Things With Code.

Hi, I'm Ruzan! A passionate self-taught developer from Kathmandu, Nepal, with a knack for building intuitive webapps, solving problems through code, and learning new technologies.

Get In Touch
1 import datetime
2 class Human:
3   def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
4     self.name = "Rujan Tandukar"
5     self.age = datetime.datetime.today( ).year-2002
6     self.love = "Backend" 
7     self.coffee = "Liquid sanity"
8     self.mortal = True

01. About Me

Hello, I'm Ruzan Tandukar a backend / fullstack web-developer based in Kathmandu, Nepal.

I thrive on crafting impactful digital solutions that make everyday tasks simpler and more efficient. My goal is to bridge creativity and functionality in every project I undertake.

When I'm not coding, you'll find me hung up on rock & roll music or delving into the latest tech trends or sipping coffee.

ruzan tandukar

02. My Skills









03. My Builds

04. Other Builds


A webapp to share files securely with users. This includes authentication, file validation and hashing and secure downloading of the files inspired from Dropbox.

  • Django
  • React
  • Selenium
  • PostgreSQL

Nepali Samaj Tasmania Site

Organization site made for Nepali Samaj Tasmania with Blog, Notice, Membership, Members features. Full Responsive and Secure Site

  • Django
  • MySQL
  • Bootstrap
  • JS

Kirana, An Ecommerce Site

Kirana is an ecommerce website. Users can view products, add to cart, order products and has Paypal payment. There are search functionality, categories, custom ad banners and order tracking.

  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • CSS
  • JS

Bookify Browser Extension

A browser extension to sync bookmarks across browsers accross devices easily so that you won't ever lose a bookmark link.

  • JavaScript
  • Django

Python File Automation

A GUI based program to easily manage your directory. Creates folder for each different file extention and moves all file to respective directory.

  • Python

Anime Downloader

A console based program to download all your favourite animes in bulk.

  • Python, Web Scraping

05. Get In Touch

I am always looking for new experiences to learn. If you have any projects to build I may be able to help, feel free to message me.

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